Glenbeigh has developed a specialized group counseling experience for patients who are business professionals or those with significantly developed careers. The business professionals support group meets twice-weekly and is intended as an added dimension of the treatment experience for patients. During group, participants will identify how substance use, along with other related issues, affect professional and personal lives. They will explore how working a personal recovery program can help them reclaim their ability to function in both the public and private sector.

The goal of business professional’s support is to help patients become healthier and more fully functioning. Group focus will be on sustaining recovery in high stress environments, managing work settings and events that are not abstinent or recovery based, integrating back into professional duties, developing healthy coping skills, setting boundaries, creating healthy balance, building a sober support system and addressing other issues specific to the work requirements of executives and other business professionals.

The support group will help participants return to work better able to perform and with increased competence, confidence and integrity.